cloud trend in 2023

The Cloud Technology Update and Trend to Look Up in 2023

Cloud technology has been a game-changer for the tech industry, and its impact is growing over time. There are many reasons why the cloud is so important. First, it’s very convenient. You can access your data and applications from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Second, it’s efficient. The cloud can store a lot of data, and it’s easy to scale up or down for many purposes. Third, it’s flexible. You can deploy the cloud for a variety of purposes, from storage to computing power to software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, the cloud is secure. Your data is stored in secure data centers, and it’s backed up in multiple locations. This makes it much less likely that your data will be lost or compromised.

Moving on to 2023, this emerging technology will face new challenges and obstacles. in the need for efficiency and reduced costs to encounter the probable rising economic crisis around the world, new solutions will be looked out for to help organizations and enterprises operate on agile while maintaining relevancy to the market.

There are some tech solutions growing in popularity to solve problems such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud technology, and others. this article will only focus on some trends in cloud technology. Here are some trends that are likely to continue or accelerate in the near future include:

Multi-cloud is an increasingly popular strategy

One report found that 84% of mid-to-large companies will have adopted a multi-cloud strategy by 2023. This multi-cloud strategy offers a number of advantages, including improved flexibility and security. According to Global Channel Chief at Google, Carolee Gearhart, “Gartner is estimating that by 2021, 75 percent of midsize and large organizations will have adopted multi-cloud or a hybrid strategy.”

With the rising popularity of platforms to manage hybrid cloud infrastructures such as Kubernetes and Anthos solutions, the concern about balancing the load from on-premise and public cloud can be solved. Kubernetes offers an automation management solution with the ability to scale the infrastructure need, while Anthos can be more powerful to collaborate with other cloud solutions in one place.

Increased investment in cloud security and resilience

Securing the cloud involves a number of different steps and practices to protect your cloud-based resources, data, and applications from various threats and vulnerabilities. This includes some proactive efforts such as managing access control over the layer of your infrastructure, encrypting sensitive data, monitor and auditing your cloud activity while also relying on the security tools provided by the cloud services.

Cyber security threats have potential vulnerabilities or risks that can compromise the security of cloud-based resources and data. These threats can come from various sources, including malicious actors such as hackers, as well as accidental or unintentional actions by users or systems. Some popular threats are data breaches that often occur on many websites. Another threat is coming from unsecured APIs from another side and can be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to cloud-based resources.

The AI and ML-powered cloud

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a future cloud computing advancement. AI is being examined as a solution to manage massive volumes of data to improve tech company productivity. AI improves computer efficiency. This technology automates and smartly manages operations. The platform makes it easy to expand and adapt to company needs. AI improves processes and boosts productivity in cloud computing. According to IBM, 65% of companies believe AI is crucial to their success.

The role of AI/ML will boost your productivity and efficiency in operating many applications and platforms. one of the many benefits is to generate meaningful insight from data, and know better of the customer. with the current AI/ML capability, we expect more benefits in the future to get humanized machine solutions to solve problems.

Low-code and no-code cloud services

Your company website might use WordPress as the web CMS. many of that solutions are in the market such as Wix, instapage, shopify and others. Other than that, with AppSheet, you can build your apps within a minutes only using a spreadsheet file. These types of solutions are often designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, with drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates and components that can be easily customized to meet specific needs. More and more solutions are available with low and even no code. This can be powerful for enterprises to become more agile and relevant to current situations. While demanding IT teams to build more and more applications, we can rely on small teams with high agility to build applications and solutions.

Low-code and no-code cloud solutions are often used to build and deploy applications quickly and efficiently, without the need for a team of developers. They are particularly useful for organizations that need to create custom applications but do not have the resources or expertise to do so using traditional development methods. Low-code and no-code solutions can also be used to automate business processes and workflows, create custom integrations between different systems and platforms, and more.
