Pros And Cons Of Cloud Adoption

Privacy and security are the two main roadblocks for cloud adoption

Nearly two-thirds of organizations see security as the biggest challenge for cloud adoption.

Privacy and regulatory issues, along with governance and compliance of cloud services worry more than 60% of enterprises.

One of the less known cloud computing facts is that more than half of organizations lack staff with cloud experience and this constitutes one of the primary challenges for cloud adoption.

Almost half of organizations use encryption or other security safeguards to protect sensitive data in the cloud

75% of IT experts find managing privacy and data protection in a cloud environment to be more complicated than on premises. With more and more corporate data being stored in the cloud (43% in 2017), this poses a security risk.

Nevertheless, 53% of companies aim to increase their cloud security using various techniques – like multi-factor identification, for example.

Cloud computing statistics show security is one of the main concerns for companies, and it does appear they’ve taken precautions.

Public cloud IaaS workloads will experience 60% fewer security incidents than traditional data centers by 2020

Automation is the key to removing the potential for human error. Cloud migration isn’t a security trade-off. Companies can benefit from the built-in cloud security.

Gartner predicts that through 2022 at least 95% of security failures in the cloud will be caused by the customers.

Being the multi-billion companies that they are, the cloud vendors can create top-notch security and multilayered defense mechanisms. Security is costly and not everyone can afford it.

Cost optimization is the primary reason for 47% of enterprises’ cloud migration

The good thing about the cloud is that it has different products that fit any pocket. Also, you pay only for what you use.

The average savings from cloud migration come to around 15% on all IT spending.

Small and medium businesses benefit the most, as they spend 36% less money on IT that way.
