Cloud Computing Global Trends 2019: By The Numbers

90% of companies are on the cloud

This stat comes to show the cloud was already mainstream in 2019. Furthermore, experts say 60% of workloads are running on a hosted cloud service in 2019. For reference, the cloud hosted 45% of workloads in 2018.

Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud vendor with a 32% share

Also known as AWS, Amazon’s cloud computing division has been the leader in the cloud industry market for several years now. When it was launched in 2006, it provided only one service. Now the company offers more than 140 services. An interesting fact is that AWS accounts for 13% of Amazon’s total sales.

Cloud data centers will process 94% of workloads in 2021

This stat summarizes the future of the Web. Cloud computing trends show year-over-year growth, ever since it was introduced. Eventually, at some point in the near future, traditional data centers will be obsolete.

The global cloud computing market is expected to reach $623.3 billion by 2023

According to cloud computing growth stats, the industry will grow at a CAGR of 18%. In 2018, the market size was valued at $272 billion.
