Cloud Computing Adoption 2020: By The Numbers

Providing access to data from anywhere is the main reason for cloud adoption

When a company decides to adopt a cloud service, the main question is “Why?”. Although saving money is a good incentive, it’s not the main reason. We live in an age of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) workers and flexible working hours. The ability to work outside the office makes companies more global and connected. That’s why 42% of them say providing access to data anytime, anywhere, is the main driver for cloud adoption.

Disaster recovery (38%), flexibility (37%), and relieving IT staff’s job (36%) are amongst the top answers as well.

Now, we know why companies adopt the cloud.

Hybrid cloud adoption is 58%

Almost every enterprise (84%), which uses a cloud, has a multi-cloud strategy. Meaning, they use more than one public or private cloud.

The hybrid strategy, in particular, fosters certain benefits. According to cloud computing stats, public cloud adoption is 91%, while 72% use a private cloud solution

Professional services account for 12.2% of the global cloud spending

Professional services (12.2%), discrete manufacturing (11.8%), and banking (10.6%) account for more than a third of the global expenditure. Each sector plans to spend more than $20 billion on cloud services in 2020. The cloud computing future trends suggest that process manufacturing and retail also invest heavily in the cloud. They will be the other two industries to feature among the top five spenders in 2022.
