Eco-Friendly Benefits Of Cloud Computing

There are numerous environmental benefits of switching your IT services to the cloud. When you decide to implement it, you can look forward to higher energy-efficient mechanisms, managed security services, and cloud security solutions. The eco-friendly benefits of cloud computing are focused on three major directions: energy saving, carbon-footprint reduction, and lowering operational costs.

Here are three major ways to better illustrate the environmental impact that the implementation of cloud computing can have on your business.

Moving to the cloud will help you save energy

Back in 2013, Google showed that by moving to the cloud, companies could reduce their total energy consumption by 87%. The first step would be to reduce the amount of on-premise hardware by migrating as many resources into the cloud, resulting in energy conservation and a lower energy bill.

Remote employees can help you decrease your carbon footprint

Allowing your employees to work remotely will help you increase productivity – as they will have a flexible schedule and the possibility to work from anywhere, anytime, and using any device, reduce the carbon footprint connected to the number of cars on the road – as they will no longer need the daily commute and save costs with smaller office space – as they will be able to work from anywhere.

Cloud computing helps you go paperless

The cloud offers a secure place where you can store your data and access your files anytime. By going paperless, you reduce your costs as you no longer need to purchase paper products or print any documents whatsoever. This means that you can also cut down on the need to recycle, shred, incinerate, or dispose of your documents in another way, all of which can have a negative impact on the environment.
